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Forum Posts

Doug Migliori
Oct 02, 2019
The new Ontologies page ( ) allows interactive exploration of Event-Defined Object Model (EDOM) concepts and objects based on those concepts. The UI within the page is dynamically generated from an event processor that interprets the metadata within the EDOM. The EDOM is formatted as a JSON 2D array which represents a serverless event store. The left panel includes filtering options for Model, Domain, Identifiers, and Language. For example, to display mappings of concept identifiers to EDOM/OBEDA, select "" from the Identifiers list. New (+) and Edit buttons are active to illustrate how the EDOM can be extended to domain-specific ontologies sharing the same top-level concepts. However, any changes you make will not be distributed until we create secured connections and limit editing permissions. Note that all changes and additions are recorded as BEAMevents which is the format of the EDOM event store. Feedback appreciated, including on how to improve the UI experience.
Doug Migliori
May 25, 2019
In OBEDA charter
The Forum is now active. I will post Q&As from previous emails with council members that I think will benefit the group and lead to further discussion. I hope all of you will find time to contribute if a discussion topic aligns with your expertise. Please "Like" this post to confirm you received it via email. Thank you, Doug

Doug Migliori

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